Our Services

Eligibility Consults
All services start with eligibility, if your child is not yet eligible or may be eligible in an additional exceptionality, let us review medical and school documents to discuss what service options may be available for your child.

IEP Meeting Participation
Direct advocacy during a school-based IEP meeting.

504 Meeting Participation
Direct advocacy during a school-based 504 meeting.

School Document Reviews
Review of all school documents to help identify concerns and or available supports.

Discipline Appeal Participation
Student discipline can be complex; we can help navigate the process to ensure your child is receiving fair discipline and proper behavioral follow up.

Home Education RTI
Home Education students are entitled to the same eligibility as any other child under Child Find- Let us help gather that data needed to bring to the Eligibility meeting.

Home Educational Annual Evaluation
Annual home education evaluation and report for students.

Pre-IEP/Post IEP Consult Sessions
Pre-planning and post planning following participation in IEP meetings.

Gifted Education Plan Support
Exceptional Student Education also includes Gifted programing and plans. Gifted students present with unique educational needs.

Early Steps/ FDLRS Participation
Early Intervention is an important step in identifying and supporting disability. Let us help prepare for the evaluations and advocate with you to get the right services from the start.

Transition Support Services
The options and services after transitioning from high school can be confusing. Let us help identify a transition plan and collaborate with community providers.

Speaking Engagements
Please contact us today to arrange for speaking engagements. Topics include- Disability in Education, Accommodations, Advocacy, Panel Q & A, Disability and Community Services, and more.